Friday, September 7, 2007

once red haired

I used to idolize Tori. She spoke to a quiet only I had, in my self consciously self centered universe. I could be beautiful because she knew me and I loved her.

I grew out of me. I saw the quiet music everywhere. I listened. I fell asleep, a promiscuous slumber party of hard dreaming, harder waking. Not forever was the story forever ago.

Vacated vacations and no destinations make a hard schedule for the retired wanderer, so I danced to ticking and whispered whims of adopted patrons. I punched through the clocks and squirmed to the surface and sneaked to an alter and love and nine months and nine months and nine more, shedding the clock and the dance while they grew.

I get up from my made bed now, shaking off responsible hours, to the rented bedroom of my night scared daughter. Hush kissed tears I swallow her boogie man. He has the bills and my sleep but I take him to save her and I toss with the dance and when I had red hair.


Jaren Watson said...

I ought to bludgeon you with an unabridged dictionary. I toil for hours and hours to come up with a solitary legible sentence, and you just whip out beautifully poetic lines like nothin'. Sheesh.
But I love you anyway.

charityeve said...

Thank you, my sweet prince, I love you!

jenhirr said...

"I ought to bludgeon you" sweet compliment! I love you guys! I have about as much poetry in my veins got nothing! At least I tried. Did you send me your new number?

charityeve said...
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Emily G said...

Charity, your words are beautiful. I'm so glad you're getting them down. I feel like I could never show you my poetry because it isn't as honest and palpable as yours. I love you and your fantastic goth past.

charityeve said...

Thank you so much for your sweet flattery, BT--WAIT, I can't know as much about you as I do now and still call you that, it's too out of character. We'll have to stick with Em until Jaren comes up with something more suitable.

Anyway, you are too kind. I would love to read anything you write. Your blog is beautiful as is your speech and thinking. One of my all time favorite moments is when you shared your opinion of the movie "Step Mom" with an at length description of all it's flaws and cheesy scenes and everyone just stared at you with gaping jaws and wide eyed silence until Brady finally broke it with, "Wow, you said that good."

You are awesome in every way. I love my moments with you. Come back to me soon!

am and fm said...

You definitely have quite a talent! Does the Olive Garden know what they have? I wish I could be as creative in my expressions.

charityeve said...

Oh sweetie, I actually blushed when I read that. I don't think that happens very often. Thank you for being so nice to me!

Kendra Nielson said...

Charity, it sounds like you are loved even in Arizona. I love you, too! I think Jaren's comments are so funny. I liked his poem. I really like your writing as well. I am proud to claim you as my sister! I will update my blog soon now that I'm settled in Idaho again. I just have to find my camera.... Oh, and I AM NOT absent! I have called several times, you naughty sister.

prism said...

wow, I love what you wrote. I'm sorry I'm late commenting on this. Your blog address got filed away and I just found it again.